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Happy 4th, fools!

July 4, 2010

And here are some red, white, and blue things that make me happy.

How rad is that couch?


I’ve turned into a country dork and started a bottle collection. So yeah, blue bottles thrill me.

The red eyes of a blood sustaining vampire. I know, I’m a retard. No, I’m a Twi-tard.

Oh shit. I pooped he’s so cute.

I’d like to be there right now, who’s with me?

Yes, cake twice. I love cake so much it hurts. Especially Red Velvet.

Classic Red lips…and a hot white American bitch.

F-ing gorgeous.

I want a blue chair. And a cat.

Have a happy, safe, 4th of July! Don’t blow up any babies or fingers!

birds n’ shit

June 30, 2010

I love birds in the home. Not real ones, they are really annoying. But I gravitate to anything with a damn bird on it.

The problem is, how much bird can you put in a house? Can each room have a bird? Does it need to stay in one room?

Can I have wallpaper with birds in it AND pillows or little birdy statues?

Can I have a birdy bed and have birdy bedding?

Ugh I love this headboard from Ballard Designs.

And THAT is too gorgeous. I want to nap in that bed naked.

What say ye?

Silhouette. A crafting device for Susan.

June 22, 2010

I think I need a crafting device. I can craft like crazy on my own, but I would love a device that can help me craft.

Enter Silhouette.

Can you imagine all the cool stuff I could make? Can you imagine all the cool gifts you, my friends, would receive?

I want to dry hump this punchbowl.

And Bill Murray Onesies! Oh the possiblities….

You know I’d make one of those in every color and size and make everyone I know one. Because Bill Murray is just that cool.

Speaking of Bill Murray, did you see him in Zombieland?

Holy shitballs that was funny.

Oh. And you can win a silhouette here.

I love free stuff

June 21, 2010

So I’m blogging about a contest for an extra entry! Check it out, the jewelry is so cute, it’s from The Vintage Pearl. Even though I make jewelry, I never wear my own, I only wear stuff that other people make, weird.

And I feel down in the dumps lately, and a prize might just make me feel a ton better 🙂

Cheers, and Happy Monday!

My Daddy…is rad!

June 20, 2010

Happy Father’s Day to a really awesome man, my father.

Looking all handsome and young….in 1965.

Being rad, drunk in tijuana (with my hotty totty of a mom).

So cool he can pull off a wig while smoking whatever he’s smoking…

Gettin’ our trinken on in Brussels, about 10 years ago. Oh look, my glass is already empty, imagine that.

Is YOUR Dad cool enough to get tatted up? Well mine is….he now has more tattoos than I do, I think. Ignore the face that the tattoo artist is cross-eyed, he did a good job.

And check this shit out, he’s hanging out with PANDAS! That’s mother f-ing cool.

Can’t forget Grandpa…

He’s rad too, and bad ass. He’s the bad-ass-I-got-my-shit-blown-up-by-a-grenade-and-lived-to-kill-the-guy-who-threw-it-at-me bad ass!

And also thank you Rob, who isn’t a Daddy yet, thank you for that!

But you’re an awesome Uncle!

So to all the men in my life, thank you for being so great, so rad, so cool…you all rock.

I love you Daddy & Grandpa!

Sewing Susan

June 16, 2010

So I’ve been MIA for many reasons, or excuses, because I went and had some kinda sorta “elective” (in that the timing was elective) surgery to fix my broken ankle. Why I chose June, I don’t know.

My new surgeon had to re-break my already healed ankle fracture because “It looked like the Gulf of Mexico in there,” which was lost on me because I don’t watch the news for a reason. Basically, my ankle was BAD. So he fixed it, but that meant rebreaking it. Suck.

My Horrendous Scar Before

I know, it’s nasty. So are my paper thin pale legs that you can see thru. The after is much better, but its still healing and that’s kinda gross so I won’t subject you to MORE grossness.

So now I’m in a boot, on a scooter, and pretty much at the mercy of the kind people around me to bus me around and take me to do all the things I need to do. And then there’s this art festival…

And I chose the beginning of June, three weeks before ARTOPIA. I decided to become immobile 3 weeks before the biggest event I’ve ever taken part in for my artwork. WTF, Susan? My Mom and Husband keep telling me that I can just sit and talk to people about my artwork, pricing, etc…but that blows a cheetah’s dick if you ask me. They are expecting a turnout of 7500 people this year. Fuuuck. And now my excitement over “yay more business” has become more like “crap, now I have to have more orders” kinda mentality. I don’t like my mentality right now.

If you can’t tell, I’m kind of a in a woe-is-me funk. Sorry about that. I’m also PMSing so f-that too.

I also started sewing.

And selling my little cell phone pouches in my Etsy shop. I found out about two seconds ago that my Goldfish Pouch was featured on a collection page or something, not sure what that means, but yay I guess.

The nice thing about taking up sewing is that it keeps me busy, and keeps my Mom busy taking me places to buy fabric and help me troubleshoot. The bad part is when I am having a bad day (yesterday) and decide to try to make something new (checkbook cover). Something simple…FUCK YOU CHECKBOOK COVER I didn’t want you anyway. Major fail on that one.

I think I’m going to go take a nap already and try to get in a better mood. And then fix the checkbook  cover. And maybe make a patchwork plastic  bag holder.

Holy shit I’m turning into my aunt.

Susan, Dancing Queen

June 1, 2010

I am not a dancer. I can pretend when I’m drunk, but I, in no way, am a dancer.

But today I danced. In public. In front of a hundred or so people. I have performance anxiety, and get the nervous shrotzkas, yet I still performed.

There’s a new “craze” called Flash Mobs. Most of my friends have heard of them, but for those who haven’t, it’s when a large group of people spontaneously burst into song & dance (more the dance, the song is over speakers), just like in a musical. I have been mesmerized by the videos, which I’ll share a few.

This is, as far as I know, the first, if not one of the first Flash Mobs to hit the Internet Kingdom. It’s magical.

It seriously makes me cry. I don’t know why.

This is the Seattle Flash Mob group doing it’s thing in Pioneer Square, right outside my husband’s work. He unfortunately was not there.

The best part of these flash mobs is the reactions from the crowd, especially when people they were standing next to just join in. My favorites are business people, old people, fat people, kids, and the type of person you think would never ever join a group of dancing people (ie. a pissed-off looking guy smoking a cigarette in the Michael Jackson one above). I was trying to come up with a good person to dress up as, but I don’t own a suit, don’t want to dress like a bum, and don’t consider myself “fat” or a “child.”

I do, however, have a recovering broken leg (which thankfully let me put it thru some stress the past week), and a walking cast that I used to use. So I decided to use my boot for the dance, since it was at a Hospital, I totally fit in. Ready?


Here is MY debut in a flash mob, here in Seattle. Swedish Medical Hospital celebrated it’s 100th Anniversary today, and to commemorate, they asked all staff that could attend to come to a location for a group photo. These people sat for their photos, completely unaware of the madness that was about to ensue…

Did you see me? No? Yeah not so much….I saw me for about 3 seconds in the top right. Bad angle for me, thank god! Rob got a video from another angle that you can see me better, with some before and after dialogue.

And…..after tomorrow I won’t be dancing OR walking for awhile. Wish me luck in my ankle surgery! Fingers crossed they don’t have to RE-break my leg 🙂

Memorial Day, bitches!

May 31, 2010

Take a minute to remember! Watch some war movies and have a good cry.

(PS I don’t know who this is, so he might not be dead, so you don’t have to memorialize him per se….but I bet that puppy is long gone! Poor puppy….)

Frugal is such an ugly word. So is Pellow.

May 21, 2010

I think I have to become an interior designer so that I can justify buying things like this:

This baby retails for $195. Nearly $200 for some fabric and some stuffing.

This pillow and it’s adorable sisters are on sale at One Kings Lane for $89, which is still way to pricey for this unemployable artist. This family of adorableness sold out pretty quick, though…so someone out there has way too much money to burn. Wish I did.

I’ve always loved pillows, but when Rob & I moved in together, he quickly kaboshed my fixation with them, since they serve no point. However, I still dream of accent pillows, and I plan on finding a dream pillow and designing a whole room around it.

Like these maybe:

(pillows from C.R. Laine, Ballard Designs, World Market, Pier1, Serena & Lily)

Those Pier 1 ones are a little more up my price alley. And speaking of Pier 1 and pillows:

Andrea, I think that’s your name, we worked together at Pier 1 about 10 years ago. It’s pronounced P-I-L-L-O-W, not P-E-L-L-O-W. There’s no such thing as a pellow wall. Ugh.

It only looks like the real thing.

May 17, 2010

I just have to say that I *love* this ad campaign.

And I know I’ve seen a Janis Joplin one, too…but I can’t seem to find it. Brilliant.